Duncan Gitonga, an FM Radio presenter after interviewing Rose Kaberia, the Regional Director of ITPC East Africa
ITPC East Africa joins partners to raise concerns about the World Bank’s re-classification of Kenya. The re-classification from a low to middle income country is set to reverse progress on HIV/AIDS.
Read Rose Kaberia’s blog post
ITPC Central Africa alerts policy leaders to sustained drug stock-outs in health facilities in Congo-Brazzaville. A climate of fear pervades, with informants only prepared to share information anonymously.
Read the statement
ITPC South Asia (ITPC SA) urges European Union to stop threatening access to affordable medicines, as it resumes negotiations with India.
Read about ITPCSA’s action
Regional Director of ITPC SA highlights three issues to improve access to medicines, at an expert consultation organized by the UN in Bangkok.
Read Loon Gangte’s blog post
ITPC and consortium partners contribute to consultations organized by the UN High Level Panel on Access to Medicines in London and Johannesburg.
Othoman Mellouk, ITPC’s Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines Lead, speaks at the Civil Society Hearing as part of the UN Assembly High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
See facebook post
New Activist Toolkit from ITPC supports advocacy for routine viral load monitoring.
Read the statement and download the toolkit
The Global Fund recommends grant to enable ITPC to extend community-based monitoring of HIV treatment to eleven countries in West Africa.
Find out more
ITPC expresses deep disappointment with the outcome of the Political Declaration “On the Fast-Track to End the AIDS epidemic” by the UN Assembly at the High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
Read the statement
Partners in Southern and East Africa highlight grave concerns about how they have been side-lined in the implementation of programs intended to benefit their communities.
Read the statement
This is something we are proud of. Without this treatment people who fail second-line regimens wouldn’t have another option.”
Thanks to these guys we always have access to information about auctions in our region and tools to use if we need to do advocacy. They help us to be specific in our negotiations with the AIDS clinic and the local authorities.”
Denis from Kemerovo, Russia talking about ITPCru
For the first time, I heard of things I have never heard before about testing and HIV in general. ITPC EA and other experts should provide frequent radio talks, because I realized that between information and listeners there is a big gap, like darkness and light.”
Duncan Gitonga, an FM Radio presenter after interviewing Rose Kaberia, the Regional Director of ITPC East Africa
Our #MakeMedicinesAffordable campaign is showing the lengths that Big Pharma will go to protect unmerited monopolies, keeping life saving drugs out of reach of those who need them most.
People who need PrEP have a right to access it as a human right to health. Our new toolkit ensures communities have the knowledge they need to demand it.
Securing better representation in national decision making bodies led to more funds for HIV treatment and health programs for key populations.
We plan to overcome problems, such as medicine stock-outs, in 11 countries in West Africa, by supporting civil society to act as a watchdog.
With our regions, networks and partners, we ran projects to improve access to optimal HIV treatment in these countries in 2017:
Country list
With our consortium partners, our work to make medicines affordable in four focus countries contributed to projected, combined savings of US$696.44 million per year.
In Argentina, US$50 million annual savings on two HIV drugs, means 27,000 more people could receive HIV treatment for 10 years.
See our full infographic about the impact of our interventions in Argentina
With our regions, networks and partners, we ran projects to improve access to optimal HIV treatment in these countries in 2017:
Follow the arrows to see how community alerts move from communities to global and back again, and how we use the information at every level for advocacy.
In 2016, ITPC participated in meetings and conferences to present community-based research, influence international policy and amplify the voices of the people we represent.
Follow the arrows to see how community alerts move from communities to global and back again, and how we use the information at every level for advocacy.
Just 6 cents in every dollar goes to administration, finance, development and communications.