What are we most proud of:
Hosting the Global Summit on IP and Access to Medicines (GSIPA2M), an unprecedented 3-day meeting with over 120 civil society and community experts debating and discussing today’s most pressing IP-related treatment access issues. The GSIPA2M was so successful that ITPC now plans to make it a biennial event!
Catalysing an average price reduction of 67% across 15 target ARVs in four countries and contributing to a total annualized financial benefit of $238 – 345 million from the work of our MMA consortium.
Enabling the participation of 33 countries in community advisory boards – including in Middle East and North Africa,
Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and promoting civil society engagement with the pharmaceutical industry. Learn more about our CABs.
Partnering with Intellectual Property Watch to publish a 10-article series highlighting the role of civil society groups in pushing for the use of TRIPS flexibilities. Read the series here.
Advocating for the inclusion of sofosbuvir – used in the treatment of hepatitis C – on the List of Vital and Essential Drugs in Russia. As a result, ITPCru helped cut the drug’s price from US$10,000 to $5,900 for three months treatment. Spearheading collaborative research on IP laws in Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Peru and Ukraine, inspired by an innovative data collection methodology developed by ITPC MENA.