PLHIV reached through our Regional Community Treatment Observatory in West Africa, which collects data, and analyses & monitors trends along the HIV cascade in the region.
Pages of treatment education information published.
67% Average price reduction across 15 target ARVs in four countries under our Make Medicines Affordable work.
Activists and allies networked at ITPC-hosted global meetings, like the Community Activist Summit and GSIPA2M.
PLHIV interviewed in our Global Treatment Access Survey.
Disbursed in small grants to support community based organizations and civil society networks to take up national advocacy strategies that address critical treatment access issues.



What are we most proud of:

Launching our new Activist Development Program with 10 fierce activists representing Fiji, Kenya, UK, Zimbabwe, Panama, Botswana, Nepal, Nigeria, Ukraine, and Egypt.

Promoting treatment education through the development of our Activist Toolkit on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) available in English, Spanish, and French, and What Works for Us: Youth-Led Advocacy for DSD available in English and French.

Strengthening the advocacy capacity and HIV treatment knowledge of 194 activists through national and regional treatment education trainings across the globe.

Catalysing demand for routine viral load testing and differentiated service delivery through $350,000 in small grants supported advocacy.



What are we most proud of:

Hosting the Global Summit on IP and Access to Medicines (GSIPA2M), an unprecedented 3-day meeting with over 120 civil society and community experts debating and discussing today’s most pressing IP-related treatment access issues. The GSIPA2M was so successful that ITPC now plans to make it a biennial event!

Catalysing an average price reduction of 67% across 15 target ARVs in four countries and contributing to a total annualized financial benefit of $238 – 345 million from the work of our MMA consortium.

Enabling the participation of 33 countries in community advisory boards – including in Middle East and North Africa,

Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and promoting civil society engagement with the pharmaceutical industry. Learn more about our CABs.

Partnering with Intellectual Property Watch to publish a 10-article series highlighting the role of civil society groups in pushing for the use of TRIPS flexibilities. Read the series here.

Advocating for the inclusion of sofosbuvir – used in the treatment of hepatitis C – on the List of Vital and Essential Drugs in Russia. As a result, ITPCru helped cut the drug’s price from US$10,000 to $5,900 for three months treatment. Spearheading collaborative research on IP laws in Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Peru and Ukraine, inspired by an innovative data collection methodology developed by ITPC MENA.



What are we most proud of:

Strengthening our Regional Community Treatment Observatory in West Africa, which collected and analysed over 18 months of data, covering 78,591 PLHIV on ART and 101 health facilities.

Launching the Zimbabwe CTO – the first of its kind to use digital data collection tools. The data collected over 5 months by the Zimbabwe National Network for PLHIV and Zimbabwe Young Positives covered 10,142 people on ART.

Helping Kyrgyzstan become the first country in EECA with a nationally approved human rights-based adherence improvement plan, thanks to advocacy by the Partners Network Association, supported by ITPCru, through our Missing the Target research on treatment access barriers among PWID. Learn more about MTT.

Partnering with the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) on a community-led research project highlighting the impact of stock-outs of commodities and treatment on sex workers worldwide.

Reaching 2,414 PLHIV across 14 low- and middle-income countries in our Global Treatment Access Survey.

The voice of communities

ITPC continues to make strategic and concerted efforts to amplify treatment access issues at key meetings and conferences. Throughout 2018, we participated in global conferences, contributed to scientific literature, and influenced policy by amplifying community voices. On the following pages are some of the most significant events and contributions for us during the year

leaving our mark at AIDS 2018

At the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam, we ensured treatment access issues were brought to the center of a highly-saturated conference. ITPC hosted community events, presented at more than a dozen press conferences, satellite sessions and skills building workshops, and led and supported protest actions.


Serving in Critical Spaces of Influence

In 2018, ITPC participated in over two dozen high-level meetings including the Banbuy Think Tank, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) Summit, and International Francophone Conference on HIV and Hepatitis (AFRAVIH). We’re proud to have influenced decision-making across multiple platforms that help shape the treatment access agenda.

Here are some examples of key spaces where we do that:


WHO HIV Drug Resistance Network (HIVRestNet)

Based on our current work in community monitoring, ITPC was invited to join the steering group of the WHO HIV Drug Resistance Network (HIVResNet). Functioning as co-chair of Working Group 5 on Advocacy, we represent community issues and bring to the table direct experience tracking quality of service delivery in our Regional Community Treatment Observatory in West Africa. The advocacy working group will be working to develop a standardized framework for community monitoring of quality HIV care and treatment and an advocacy plan to increase awareness around HIV drug resistance.


Coverage, Quality and Impact of HIV Services (CQUIN) Network by ICAP

ITPC is a community engagement partner with ICAP at Columbia University in the scale up differentiated service delivery (DSD) models as part of their CQUIN project. Over the course of 2018, during several meetings held in Mozambique, eSwatini, and Ethiopia, ITPC encouraged participants to consider what effective community engagement should look like especially when looking at the quality aspects of service delivery. We have even been able to shape the language used at the Network-level from ‘patients’ to ‘recipients of care.’


Forum on the Risks of Periconceptional Dolutegravir Exposure

In response to data from the Tsepamo birth defect surveillance study in Botswana, HIV treatment guidelines groups from around the world have made recommendations on the potential safety risks of preconception DTG exposure. The IAS convened a high-level group of experts to discuss data quality, data interpretation and appropriate messaging of the risks and benefits of administering ART such as DTG to HIVinfected women of child-bearing age. Forum participants include representatives from IAS, CDC, ITPC, AfroCAB, iBase, WHO, Gates Foundation, EGPAF, Botswana Ministry of Health, UCL, Georgetown University, PENTA, and others. To date, the forum has developed and published a FAQ and Interim Considerations reference guide.


African Society for Laboratory Medicines (ASLM)

Following participation in ASLM’s Laboratory Medicine (LabCoP) online sessions and in-person workshops, ITPC was invited to join the LapCoP Project Oversight Committee in October 2018. Our Executive Director Solange Baptiste serves on the committee alongside representatives from CDC, WHO, Global Fund, CHAI, Gates Foundation, and Unitaid.


In 2018, ITPC continued to exemplify value for money.
Over the year, 85 cents of every dollar went to programs.


Our work wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you for all your support in 2018.


We are grateful to our progressive continue to believe in our vision, invest in the value of communities, and make our work possible. In 2018, ITPC thrived thanks to the generous support of:


AJG Foundation

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bridging the Gaps II Alliance

International AIDS Society

Levi Strauss Foundation

Open Society Foundations

Robert Carr Fund

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


ViiV Healthcare

ITPC Global Board

We thank the Global Board for their continued support and invaluable guidance.

Gregg Gonsalves,
Chair, USA

Ava Avalos,
Vice Chair, Botswana

Polokoetsile Motau,
Treasurer, Botswana

Nompumelelo Gumede,
South Africa

Jarasa Kanok,

Karyn Kaplan,

Nathaniel Wong (from Nov 2018),

ITPC Global Team

We are a small, dedicated team who are proud to commit our energy, expertise, and creativity to this important work each and every day.

Solange Baptiste,
Executive Director

Wame Mosime,
Director of Global Programs and Advocacy

Othoman Mellouk,
Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines Lead

Alain Manouan,
Community Treatment Monitoring Project Director

Bactrin Killingo,
Treatment Education Co-Lead (from Dec 2018)

Tracy Swan,
Treatment Education Co-Lead (from Dec 2018)

Trisa Taro,
Program Impact Manager

Pedro Garcia,
Monitoring & Evaluation and Research

Helen Etya’ale,
Program Coordinator

Elizabeth Tejada,
Director of Finance and Administration

Norma Masheleng,
Finance Manager

Mercy Motasi,
Executive Assistant (from Nov 2018)