Save the Date: Join ITPC at the Community Activist Summit at AIDS 2018

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Join us Sunday, July 22nd at ITPC’s Community Activist Summit at AIDS 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


In 2003, more than 120 treatment activists from 67 countries gathered in Cape Town, South Africa for the first International Treatment Preparedness Summit (ITPS). The goal of the four-day meeting was to identify ways to strengthen regional treatment education and advocacy efforts to pave the way for the realization of the then, newly introduced “3 by 5” Initiative.
The 2003 Treatment Preparedness Summit was convened at a time when HIV treatment access was very poor, and activists were still grappling with the brunt of the epidemic. Today, we have an opportunity to share stories of our journey and ask salient questions. Fifteen years later, how far have we come? Where are we now? What is the state of our activism today? And, what do we have left to do? On the cusp of this anniversary, these are the questions the HIV movement must answer.
New HIV targets – like UNAIDS 90-90-90 – continue to focus on quantity and the numbers needed to end the epidemic. However, in reigniting the fight for both people’s right to health and universal access to optimal HIV treatment, it is imperative that we purposefully shift the focus to quality.
To this end, ITPC will host a Community Activist Summit on Sunday, July 22, 2018, ahead of the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Using innovative tech-powered panel discussions, campfire-style deliberations, and interactive Q&A sessions, participants will strategize viable approaches and outline concrete next steps needed to effectively advocate for the improvement of:

  • quality services and affordability along the Continuum of Prevention, Care and Treatment (CoPCT);
  • quality protection of human rights; and
  • quality engagement of communities (including key and vulnerable populations) throughout these processes.

The Summit is intended for PLHIV and key population activists, civil society and community advocates, program implementers, government officials, and all stakeholders interested in and seeking to influence a global, community-led HIV advocacy agenda.

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