Youth-led Advocacy Chapter in DSD Toolkit Now Available in French

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ITPC and ARASA are proud to announce the release of What Works for Us – Youth-led Advocacy for DSD in French! First launched in English in November 2018, the toolkit seeks to equip young activists with the knowledge and skills they need to demand differentiated service delivery (DSD) in their communities.

The chapter emphasizes how differentiated service delivery (DSD) can address the needs of adolescents and young people. Successful advocacy strategies are described to empower adolescents and young people to ask for what works for them.

The chapter is available as a stand-alone resource, as well as a part of the complete Activist Toolkit on Differentiated Service Delivery. Both are available in both English and French.

It is more critical than ever to reach adolescents and young people with better information, improved services and innovative approaches to address HIV and their specific health needs. Adolescents and young people are disproportionately affected by HIV, have poor knowledge of HIV prevention and testing services and have less access to care and treatment compared to adults. While AIDS-related mortality has been decreasing among adults and younger children, is has been on the rise among adolescents since 2000.  Compared to adults, adolescents have poorer access to antiretroviral therapy (18 percent compared to 46 percent for adults), higher rates of loss to follow-up and poorer adherence to treatment.

Download the report What Works for Us – Youth-led Advocacy for DSD (PDF, 1.6MB)

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