Raising the Profile of Community Monitoring & Community Engagement at AFRAVIH 2018

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This week, 4-7 April 2018, ITPC Global, ITPC West Africa, and ITPC MENA attended the 2018 Conférence Internationale Francophone VIH/Hepatites (AFRAVIH) in Bordeaux, France, helping to ensure treatment access issues – particularly as they affect key populations – were visible at the conference.

In particular, ITPC helped raise the profile of community monitoring and community engagement:

ITPC Global presented preliminary outcomes from the Missing the Target 12 (MTT12) project, which supports community-led monitoring of treatment access issues among people who use drugs in Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan.  MTT12 is part of the Watch What Matters initiative and works alongside the Regional Community Treatment Observatory in West Africa (RCTO-WA) to empower communities in carrying out evidence-based advocacy.