Global Activist Network

ITPC is as an open and flexible coalition. Our central structure is our Global Activist Network, consisting of community-based organizations, individual treatment activists, partner organizations, ITPC networks, and the ITPC global team. This structure invites and fosters the participation and leadership of hundreds of treatment activists through information sharing, trainings and meetings, and collaborative policy work, monitoring, and advocacy. It also gives ITPC the flexibility and responsiveness needed to actively advocate for treatment access across the globe.


Our Global Activist Network is always growing and welcomes new members! If you’re interested in becoming part of the ITPC’s GAN, be sure to read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below that provides comprehensive information about membership. When you’re ready, submit your information via the Google Form here:

Note: This link will take you to ITPC’s GAN Google Form. You will not receive a confirmation e-mail but you will start receiving ITPC GAN communications and newsletters. 

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What are the benefits of being part of ITPC’s GAN?

Members of ITPC’s GAN will:

  • Gain technical knowledge and leadership skills
  • Connect with global influencers and gain access to late-breaking information
  • Access the latest and up-to-date information on the most pressing HIV treatment access issues
  • Benefit from potential opportunities and collaborations with ITPC and partners. These may include conference support, board memberships, journal authorships, grant funding, and/or MOUs and contracts to carry out scopes of work with ITPC under one of our strategic pillars

What are the different types of members of ITPC’s GAN?

ITPC’s GAN consists of community-based organizations, individual treatment activists, partner organizations, ITPC regional networks and the ITPC global team.

Individual activists

You don’t need to be part of an organization in order to make a difference. From the start of the epidemic, individual activists have been leading the way, using their voices, and challenging established institutions that are too consumed with bureaucracy to get anything done. Individual activists can become a part of ITPC’s GAN no matter where they are or what they’re doing, whether they are an experienced community organizer or an academia-centered technical expert. This includes:

    • Community advocates
    • Health and treatment activists
    • Technical experts (e.g. consultants, professors)
    • Legal professionals (e.g. lawyers)
    • Health care professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses)
    • Civil society organizers
    • Members of ITPC’s Activist Development Program

Individual activists can opt-in to be a part of ITPC’s GAN by completing the Google Form above. This includes:

    • Members of ITPC’s Activist Development Program
    • Activists with whom ITPC has a MOU or contract with and who have explicitly agreed to be listed as an ITPC GAN member
    • Other activists with whom no formal contract exists but who have requested to be included in the GAN via the online membership portal.

Inclusion in ITPC’s GAN is not time bound. Individual activists are considered part of the GAN until they opt-out (in writing via email to

Strategic Partners

ITPC recognizes that the best way to achieve our shared treatment access goals is to work together. Our strategic partners – who operate at national, regional and global level – are those who are doing the work day in and day out. We work together to develop, implement and evaluate our work to improve treatment access. Our strategic partners come in all shapes and sizes. These include:

    • Community-based organizations
    • NGOs
    • Faith-based organizations
    • PLHIV networks
    • Key population networks
    • Academic institutions

Strategic partners have to opt-in to be a part of ITPC’s GAN by completing the Google Form above. This includes:

    • Grantees and/or partners with whom ITPC has a MOU or contract with. These grantees and partners must explicitly agree to be listed as an ITPC GAN member
    • Other partners with whom no formal contract exists but who have requested to be included in the GAN via the online membership portal.

Inclusion in ITPC’s GAN is not time bound. Strategic partners are considered part of the GAN until they opt-out (in writing via email to

ITPC Regional Networks

Though ITPC no longer operates exclusively in specific regions, our regional networks still remain a critical backbone of our network. These include:

    • ITPCru
    • ITPC West Africa

Because of our shared formative history, ITPC Regional Networks are inherent to the GAN. Should, for whatever reason, an ITPC Regional Network can decide to opt-out of the GAN.

ITPC Global Team

Global Team is responsible for carrying out and managing day-to-day operations and for coordinating implementation of the operational plan. The staff works closely with members of our Global Activist Network to strengthen coordination, finance administration, fundraising, small grants and advocacy activities, research and monitoring, and communications systems.

What are members of ITPC’s GAN obligated or committed to do? In addition to the advocacy you do in your everyday work, we ask that you sign-on to support ITPC’s three strategic mandates: #TreatPeopleRight, #MakeMedicinesAffordable, #WatchWhatMatters. This means that you share our values in ensuring access to optimal treatment for all in need and are willing to help spread the word through the work you already do.