ITPC launches “What’s your COVID IQ?” online interactive quiz

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The COVID-19 pandemic mainstreamed scientific discourse around the origins of the SARS-COV-2 virus, transmission modes and the vaccines. As authorities sought to inform and educate the public, COVID-19 information also arose from a variety of other sources overwhelming lay audiences seeking to distinguish accurate information from misinformation/disinformation.

Community treatment activists were also confronted with COVID-19 related fears and misconceptions in their communities and sought tools and resources to respond adequately. There was an imperative to make scientific and technical information accessible to communities and allow members to make informed decisions for their lives and those of their loved ones.

ITPC has been on the forefront of resourcing communities with accessible, community-friendly language resources on COVID-19. Building on this, ITPC developed an additional resource, in the form of a digital knowledge quiz, to make the information more accessible and available at one’s fingertips. What better way to counter COVID-19 mis-information through a fun and engaging knowledge online quiz?

So the question that remains is: how much do you really know about COVID-19? There is only one way to find out. Click here to go to our online interactive quiz and find out if you are knowledgeable (professor), have knowledge gaps (assistant) or you still have much to learn (student). Once you’re done, why don’t you challenge your friends and family to test their knowledge?