A community guide for introducing Decision-makers to using CLM Data

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A Community Guide for Introducing Decision-Makers to Using CLM Data

The purpose of this guide is to educate, orient, and sensitize different types of decision-makers about how to value and utilize Community-led Monitoring (CLM) data.

By decision-makers, we refer to the various institutions and individuals who have the mandate and the authority to interpret and act on data or use data to drive decisions about programming, financing, and implementation that improve health programs and services.

Too often, activities to support data use for CLM are missing or not prioritized, and do not include data quality assurance procedures to facilitate use in combination with larger data sets such as DHIS and HMIS. This can lead to limitations for joint data reviews and supervision visits.

This document provides guidance for how communities might introduce CLM to a group of decision-makers to build their capacity, knowledge, and skills to:

  • Understand the scope, importance, and value-added of CLM data to national health programs
  • Reflect on how CLM data might be accessed and used for program improvement decisions
  • Assess readiness, capacity, and resource needs for CLM data use and develop plans to address gaps
  • Assess, track, and report on the use of CLM data
  • Consider CLM as a key contribution to national M&E systems and program review processes

Also available in Spanish and French.