Nigeria Brief Phase II

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nigeria phase 2 brief

By Dr Charles Ebikeme, Adeyemi Adeitan, and Dr Fifa A Rahman

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with a population of 193,392,000 people, located in West
Africa, bordered by Benin, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon. Nigeria accounts for about half of West Africa’s
population and one of the largest populations of youth in the world. Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and
culturally diverse federation which consists of 36 autonomous states and the Federal Capital
Territory. According to the WHO COVID-19 Tracker, as of 5 June 2022, a total of 46,391,592
vaccine doses have been administered. At time of writing, 10.2% of Nigeria’s population is fully
vaccinated accounting for 16,817,979 persons. 27,401,621 persons have been vaccinated with at
least one dose.