ITPC at AIDS 2024

View our activities, sessions, posters as well as our daily updates from#AIDS2024.

Daily highlights

SAT, 20 July: How community-led science can deliver at scale & Info needed to advocate for advanced HIV disease management

SUN, 21 July: Can We Achieve the 10-10-10 HIV Targets by 2025? CLM is the key to lasting change & more

MON, 22 July: 10 years of DTG: Lessons Learned & How the community-led HIV response can be scaled

TUES, 23 July: 10 Years of Community-Led Action Against Pharma Greed & Communities Are Experts


WED, 25 July: What CLM needs to thrive, Why prevention literacy is essential & Patent oppositions for access to medicines

THURS, 25 July: Exploring Grassroots Interventions to Tackle Misinformation & Designing AI for inclusive healthcare is crucial to address the digital divide

  • making sense of the madness

    Making sense of the madness

  • mpox faqs

    Mpox: A Public Health Emergency Impacting Africa

  • Tests under the microscope (1)

    Summary Report on Community-Led Assessment of Access to Viral Load and Drug Resistance Testing in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus

  • Access for everyone, everywhere

Our roadmap is available in PDF (vertical and horizontal).

Click on the link name to open in a new window or download to save.

ITPC AIDS 2024 Roadmap


Securing progress and extending impact: Implementation science and the HIV response

Pre-Conference: 20 July, 08h00 – 16h30


Date: Sat 20 July

Time: 13h30 – 14h30

Location: Room 13a/Channel 6

Title: Session 4: Looking to the Future:  Opportunities for Scale and Impact

Subtitle: How can community-led Science deliver at Scale

Presenter: Solange Baptiste

Living 2024- People Living with HIV Pre-Conference:

20 July, 08h00 – 16h30


Date: Sat 20 July

Time: 11h30 – 12h30

Location: Room 13b/Channel 7

Title:  LIVING 2024 – Session 3: Access to quality assured treatment and HIV

Subtitle: What you need to know to advocate for the Advanced HIV disease management

Presenter: Loon Gangte, ITPC India

CLM Pre-Conference:

21 July, 08h00 – 16h30


Date: Sun 21 July

Time: 08h00-09h00

Location: Room 14a/Channel 9

Title: Session 1: Celebrating CLM to Date – Impact, outcomes and role in the HIV/TB/Malaria response

Subtitle: Celebrating CLM: Stories of impact, outcomes and change

Presenter: Solange Baptiste


Date: Sun 21 July

Time: 15h00 – 16h30

Location: Pre-conference session Room 14a/Channel 9

Title:  Community-led monitoring in a changing world – Session 5: Safeguarding Social Accountability: Toward a consensus statement on CLM in a changing world

Subtitle: Loon’s must haves and challenging questions

Presenter: Loon Gangte



Date: Sun 21 July

Time: 16h30 – 17h30

Location: Global Village main stage

Title: Challenges in the NGO sector

Presenter: Veriano Terto, ABIA Brazil

Panel Discussion

Time:  TBC

Title: Community – Led and Person-Centered approaches to retention and re-engagement in HIV

Location: Youth Pavilion

Presenter: National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK)

Panel Session

UNDP Pre-Conference:

21 July, 08h00 – 12h30


Date: Sun 21 July

Time: 08h00 – 09h00

Location: Room 5/Channel 8

Title: From dreams to reality: Achieving the global 10-10-10 HIV targets with and for key populations

Subtitle: Countdown to Change: Can We Achieve the 10-10-10 HIV Targets by 2025?

Presenter: Nadia Rafif

GFAN Civil Society Pre-Conference Meetings:

21 July, 09h00 – 17h00


Time: 09h00 – 12h00

Session Title: Appel à la Solidarité francophone

Registration Link:

Time: 14h00 – 17h00

Session Title: Civil Society pre-conference meeting

IAPAC 95-95-95-95 IPAC 95-95-95 Targets Update:

22 July, 09h30 – 16h30

Date: Monday 22 July

Time: 14h45 – 15h45

Location: Le Méridien Munich

Session Title: Scaling up Community-Led HIV Response to Leave No One Behind

Panelist: Solange Baptiste

Pre-register at

Panel Discussion

Date: Mon 22 July

Time: 11h30 – 12h30

Location: Room 14a/Channel 9

Title: Lesson learned from the “DTG story”

Subtitle: Moderated discussion on lesson learned and how they can be used going forward in HIV treatment and preventions

Panelist: Othoman Mellouk


21-26 July

Location: Global Village Exhibition NGO Booth AD02

Exhibition Title: ArTivism

Tuesday 23 July

Time: 07h00 – 08h00

Location: Room 14a/Channel 9

Session Title: A ten-year retrospective on community-led approaches to addressing patent barriers and its impact on access to treatment

Panelists: Solange Baptiste, Othoman Mellouk, Morgane Ahmar, Sergiy Kondratyuk, Susana van der Ploeg, Timothy Wafula Makokha, Veronika Kochubei, Chalermsak Kittitrakul, Veriano Terto Jr.

Tuesday 23 July

Time: 10h30 – 11h30

Location: Room 13b/Channel 7

Session Title: The law, human rights and access to medicines

Panelists: Othoman Mellouk and Othmane Marrakchi

Wednesday 24 July

Time: 07h00 – 08h00

Location: Room 13b/Channel 7

Session Title: Community-Led Monitoring in a Changing World

Presenter: Solange Baptiste

Time: 10:00 – 11:30

Location:  Room 14c/Channel 10

Session Title: Workshop: Empowering communities: Patent oppositions for access to medicines

Presenter: Detrich Peeler, María Florencia Pignataro, Carolinne Scopel, Gabriela Costa Chaves, Maria Lorena Bacigalupo, Othoman Mellouk, Sergiy Kondratyuk

Time: 12h00-13h00

Location: Room 14b/Channel 3

Session Title: People-centered and sustainable HIV prevention: Towards a new generation of prevention responses in a changing epidemic context

Panelist: Solange Baptiste

Time: 16h30-17-30

Location: Room 13b/Channel 7

Session Title: Inter-generational dialogues: Fostering mutual learning and collaboration for a sustainable future

Panelist: Alma De Leon

Thursday 25 July

Time: 10h30 – 11h30

Location: Hall B0b/Channel 5

Title: Fake News, Misinformation, and the HIV Response: Learnings from COVID-19

Presenter: Solange Baptiste

Time: 12h00-13h00

Location: Room 5/Channel 8

Title: AI-mpact: Revolutionizing the HIV response in resource limited settings

Presenter: Solange Baptiste


EPOSTER ONLY – no in person presentation

Abstract Title: Empowering Communities: A Catalyst for Change in HIV Prevention and Treatment through Community Voices & Preparedness for Long-Acting Injectables

Virtual Presenter: BRC Mohan Sundararaj

Poster no: EPE170

Tuesday 23 July

12h00 -13h00 – Poster exhibition area

Abstract Title: Life Mapping through Citizen Journalism: Exploring and documenting the Lived Experience of Recipients of Care with Treatment Literacy Gaps

In-Person presenter: WWM Ruby Ng’ong’ola/Krista Lauer

Poster no: TUPED325

Abstract Title: Challenges in the sustainability of the national HIV/AIDS program in Brazil: a critical analysis of the economic impact of dolutegravir and patent barriers

In-Person presenter: MMA Susana van der Ploeg

Poster no: TUPEF693

Wednesday 24 July – 12h00 -13h00 – Poster exhibition area

Abstract Title: TRIPS-plus provisions in bilateral agreements and national laws and their impact on access to HIV treatment: a review of the legislative framework in some EECA

In-Person Presenter: ITPC EECA Maria Shibaeva

Poster no: WEPEF642

Abstract Title: Breaking Barriers: Success Stories in Access to Medicines through Strategic Intellectual Property Advocacy: A Case Study of Make Medicines Affordable Campaign

In-Person presenter: MMA Morgane Ahmar

Poster no: WEPEF648

Abstract Title: Paradox of Community – Led Monitoring: Community – led approaches to monitor community Engagement within HIV Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) Programs across 20 African Countries

In-Person presenter: BRC Nadia Rafif

Poster no: WEPED399

Abstract Title: Using Citizen Journalism to explore real-time challenges of Recipient of Care in accessing HIV and AIDS services in South Africa and Malawi

In-Person presenter: WWM Ruby Ng’ong’ola/Krista Lauer

Poster no: WEPEE 625

Thursday 25 July – 12h00 -13h00 – Poster exhibition area

Abstract Title:  Increasing Access to Affordable Generic Medicines Through Patent Opposition Academies

In-Person presenter: MMA Sergiy Kondratyuk

Poster no: THPEF645

Abstract Title:  Communities Dismantling Barriers: The Make Medicines Affordable (MMA) Consortium’s Patent Opposition Experience for Affordable Access to Medicines

In-Person presenter: MMA Morgane Ahmar

Poster no: THPEF633


12h00 -13h00 – Poster exhibition area

Abstract Title: Monitoring the landscape of newer HIV medicines: multiple patenting and access challenges

In-Person presenter: Gabriela Chaves

Poster no: TUPEF647

Abstract Title: The problem of elimination of mother-child transmission of HIV in the DRC: role of the community

In person presenter: Rosalie Kiningu Kikumbi – Community Advocacy Network (CAN) Programme national de lutte contre le sida et les IST (PNLS) & Union congolaise des organisations des PvVIH (UCOP+)

Poster no: WEPED395

Abstract Title: Factors associated with non-use of sexual and reproductive health services by sex workers in DRC

In person presenter: Ilunga Ndala Bulaya Hilo – Community Advocacy Network (CAN) Programme national de lutte contre le sida et les IST (PNLS) & Union congolaise des organisations des PvVIH (UCOP+)

Poster no: TUPEC252

Abstract Title: Janssen renounced patents for tuberculosis life-saving drug within the territory of Ukraine

In person presenter: Veronika Kochubei

Poster no: WEPEF646

Abstract Title: Mass generic production of lenacapavir should cost under 100$ per person-year: the need for voluntary licensing

In Person presenter: Andrew Hill

Poster no: LB46

Abstract Title: Community advocacy to reduce IP barriers to access to affordable medicine: lessons learned from the Bedaquiline Patent Opposition in Indonesia

In-Person presenter: Budi Larasati

Poster no: OAF0305

Abstract Title: Generic production of lenacapavir targeting under $100 PPPY[1]: Analysis of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

In-Person presenter: Andrew Hill

Poster no: LB40

Abstract Title: Enhancing access and accountability: the role of a policy table in addressing drug pricing disparities in Brazil

In-Person presenter: Brazilian Interdisciplinary Aids Association (Abia), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Poster no: WEPEF642

Partner Events/Activities

Tuesday, 23 July:

Funders Concerned About AIDS

Time: 17h00 – 19h00

Location: Pre-register for venue info

Event Title: Uniting for Action – The Biennial Global Donor Reception at AIDS 2024

Symposium on 40 years of community leadership: The challenge of sustained community leadership

Time:  10h30 – 11h30

Location: Room 14b/Channel 3

Presenter: Veriano Terto, ABIA, Brazil

Date: Wednesday 24 July

Time: 12h00 – 13h00

Location: Room 5/Channel 8

Session Title: Voices Unveiled: Using a Behavioural Science Community Panel to fine-tune our care, harness AI and combat misinformation in the HIV response

Presenter/Organiser: Indlela@HE2RO

Time: 13h15 – 14h45

Location: Pre-register for venue details

Title: Advanced HIV Disease and AIDS – Stakeholder Consultation on Evolving Terminology

Sub-Title: WHO Department of HIV, Hepatitis and STIs at AIDS 2024

Registration link:

Time: 14h00 – 15h00

Location: Global Village Session Room one/channel 11

Title: Impact of Criminalization and utilization of HIV services

Presenter: Grace Nyarath, Grave Kamau, Jules Kim, Liz Onyango, Kholi Bhuthulezi

Location: Room 13a/Channel 6

Session Title: A tale of two diseases: Novel strategies towards elimination of tuberculosis and viral hepatitis

Presenter: Giten Khwairakpam – Treat Asia

Time: 17:00-18:00

Location: Session Room 2, Global Village

Session Title: 2024 Robert Carr Research Award and Memorial Lecture

Date: Thursday, 25 July

Time: 18:00-19:30

Location: Room 14c/Channel 10

Session Title: Re-shaping landscapes to support embedded, programme science to improve population-level impact for HIV and STBBI programming: A call for transformative action

Organizer: Institute for Global Public Health, University of Manitoba