In July 2014, 23 community leaders came together at the Bellagio Centre, Italy for a three day meeting to assess the state of the HIV/AIDS movement. The meeting resulted in this Call to Action.
The Bellagio meeting brought together a diverse group of academics, health practitioners, activists and policy makers, including HIV and human rights activists; government sector representatives; people who work on health systems strengthening and primary healthcare; experts in Tuberculosis (TB) and Hepatitis C; and people with experience working on access to medicines and intellectual property rights.
ITPC wanted to examine how the many successes and achievements of the HIV movement could be applied to health system debates. The objectives were to examine the value and challenges of integrating with other social justice movements; strategize about how to capitalize on the expertise of the HIV advocacy movement; learn from how community based HIV service delivery approaches can improve broader health systems; and identify how to continue to strengthen community responses.
The resulting Call to Action is a result of that meeting. The meeting was convened the meeting with support from the Rockefeller Foundation and Pangaea Global AIDS. Read the full report here.