Alain Manouan joins ITPC’s Global Team, as Community Treatment Monitoring Project Director for the West Africa Community Observatories program. The program will enable ITPC to extend its community-based monitoring of HIV treatment to eleven countries in West Africa. Following final approval from the Global Fund Board in December 2016, the program is anticipated to start in January 2017, and last for three years, until December 2019.
The program will support networks of people living with HIV to monitor health and HIV services. Community Observatories, as pioneered by ITPC, involves people living with HIV engaged as primary researchers to monitor the availability, accessibility and quality of HIV prevention, treatment and care services. People living with HIV, especially those from key populations, and their allies are trained, and provided with technical assistance to collect and analyze appropriate data, and to use this data for advocacy to improve uninterrupted access to HIV care and treatment services.
Alain Manouan’s track record leading HIV programs in Africa, makes him the ideal candidate to get ITPC’s Community Observatories up and running in West Africa. Alain has 25 years of experience working in the international development sector, of which two decades has been specifically involved in the HIV response. Alain’s areas of expertise include HIV and health programing, leadership and program management, program analysis and evaluation. During his impressive career, Alain has worked for several United Nations programs, non-governmental organizations and governments. Alain worked for over ten years for the HIV/AIDS Alliance, becoming Regional Manager for West and Central Africa, before heading up all the Alliance’s Africa programs. Previously Alain worked for four years as National Program Officer for UNAIDS Cote d’Ivoire national program.
Alain joins ITPC just in time to attend two regional planning meetings in December 2016 and January 2017, to meet with partners in the region, and to plan next steps for getting the Global Fund supported program up and running. Find out more about the West Africa Community Observatories program here.