Activist Development Program Refocuses What It Means to Be an Activist in Today’s World

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This week, 16-18 December 2018, ITPC’s Activist Development Program (ADP) held its second learning exchange in Dubai.

The learning exchange built upon the momentum created by the program’s launch earlier this year in Botswana. The nine ADP Fellows – from Fiji, Kenya, UK, Zimbabwe, Panama, Nepal, Nigeria, Ukraine, and Egypt – took a break from the technical aspects of advocacy and shifted focused to an introspective journey around what it means to be an activist in today’s world. Using goal setting and program solving tools, the learning exchange focused heavily on the self-care and self-awareness needed to strengthen our ability to advocate effectively. 

“This is the first training I’ve ever been to that actually talks about activism as a human matter. Because we always focus on technical things – treatment, advocacy, politics. But we never take care of ourselves and how we will deliver as a person. Thank you for that.” – Jaime Luna, Panama

ADP Fellows discussed the challenges around working in resource-limited settings, visibility, competition, and finding opportunities for intersectionality.

As a global activist network, ITPC wants to continue investing in the energy, skills and informed action of people living with HIV working together for equity in medicines and health. The Activist Development Program works to create time and space for activists to learn, grow, and connect in ways that will elevate the work they are already doing – amplifying their impact within their communities and at a global-level.

[The ADP] is different from any other training or thing I’ve ever done. Here in this room we understand our diversity. With this group I feel like I belong” – Kelvin Makura, Zimbabwe

Over the course of 2019, ADP Fellows will continue to take part in instructional advocacy training, leadership opportunities, on-going mentorship, and hands-on networking. 

As we say: anyone who thinks activism is dead is in for a rude awakening!

Sign-up to learn more about the Activist Development Program.