ITPC presented recent quantitative findings from the Citizen Science community-led monitoring (CLM) project at the 12th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2023), 23-26 July 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
ITPC’s abstract was among 1,571 accepted out of 4,252 submitted (37% acceptance rate). Our abstract was also among just five CLM-focused abstracts accepted for presentation (see abstract book). Through ITPC’s presentation at IAS 2023, our Citizen Science work reached a global audience of 5,000 people who participated in the conference, in person and virtually.
For more information on the findings and advocacy outcomes of ITPC’s Citizen Science project, check out our latest report: Bouncing Back: How a community-led monitoring initiative in Malawi and South Africa is supporting the recovery of HIV and TB services in the wake of COVID-19.