ITPC is committed to supporting a productive and safe environment for all participants at ITPC events. Those who take part in any ITPC meeting, conference or event online (including but not limited to ITPC staff, members of the Board, GAN, and ITPC meeting attendees) must:
- Treat each other with civility, courtesy and respect (both face-to-face and online), regardless of the sex, race, color, national origin, marital status, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, occupation, line of business, or policy position of other participants.
- Listen respectfully to the views of all stakeholders when considering policy issues.
- Act fairly and in good faith with other participants.
Further, those who participate in ITPC events and related activities must foster an environment that is free from any form of discrimination and conduct that is harassing, coercive, or disruptive. ITPC prohibits harassment in any form – verbal, physical or visual – and will not tolerate discriminatory harassment or inappropriate conduct of a harassing nature directed against any individual on the basis of gender, race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, marital status, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected characteristic.
Any ITPC participant who believes there has been a violation of this policy should either promptly bring the incidents to the attention of the person chairing the teleconference or meeting.