CQUIN Recipient of Care Satisfaction Toolkit

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The CQUIN learning network is designed to support the scale-up of high-quality HIV differentiated service delivery (DSD) by fostering the exchange of best practices, co-creation of tools and resources, and collaborative problem solving by participants from its 22 partner countries. In 2022, network members jointly identified gaps in their ability to systematically define, measure, and improve the satisfaction of people receiving HIV services. Three of CQUIN’s communities of practice—those focused on Quality Management, Community Engagement, and Differentiated Monitoring and Evaluation—partnered with CQUIN’s Community Advocacy Network to jointly identify resources and best practices related to this critical issue. This toolkit, which is one output of this collaborative process, provides a conceptual framework for recipient of care satisfaction (RCS), highlights key decisions related to RCS assessment and improvement, and includes illustrative tools and resources. This toolkit is designed to be a dynamic resource that evolves over time.

This originally appeared on the CQUIN website.